New Hampshire Campaign for Legal Services

November 2017

We were recently visited by the New Hampshire Campaign for Legal Services, who stopped by with their friends at Stonyfield to thank Ansell & Anderson for our annual support as a Pacesetter firm. Pacesetter firms are firms who annually contribute at least $500 per attorney on staff at the firm.

“Since 2000, the Campaign for Legal Services has brought together New Hampshire’s business, legal and philanthropic communities to support the Legal Advice & Referral Center and New Hampshire Legal Assistance. Through personal outreach and annual initiatives, the Campaign promotes awareness of civil legal aid’s impact on New Hampshire’s society and economy and raises private contributions so LARC and NHLA advocates can spend their time protecting the rights of the state’s most vulnerable residents. These two organizations provide civil, noncriminal legal aid for people who have nowhere else to turn when navigating the legal system.” For more information about the Campaign for Legal Services see their website:

As the holiday season is upon us, many of our clients think about making their own charitable gifts. If you have questions about making a charitable gift or incorporating charitable giving into your estate plan see our August 2016 blog article “Charitable Planning Options,” or feel free to call the office and schedule an appointment with Christine or me.